Parking Machines and Permits
Great for all parking areas including, but not limited to; Residential complexes, Shopping malls, Learning Institutions, Government/Public land etc.
NOGO and Apple Security primarily offers 3 levels of service, to most areas of the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley which can be tailored to accommodate the requirements of individual clients:
3 Different Levels of Enforcement
Sign Deterrent & Self-Clamping
Having visibly placed security signage and properly marked restricted parking areas, is the first step to discourage drivers from parking in unauthorized areas. NOGO / Apple Security will analyze your property layout and determine the most effective positioning of signs. We may also suggest that parking stalls and/or curbs be re-painted to ensure they meet the required regional standards. You will then be issued (on temporary lease) and have installed a number of high-quality, internationally approved, reflective signage from NOGO No Tow. At this level, you have the ability to control the parking enforcement measures. You will be provided with the tools to operate the NOGO No Tow solution yourself. Also, you will be given a book of warning tickets and a NOGO No Tow wheel clamp/boot, along with appropriate training of its use.
Sign Deterrent & Call-Out
We will offer the same “Sign Deterrent” system as above, but instead of leaving the client with a NOGO No Tow wheel clamp/boot, Apple Security will enforce the clamping. The client is provided with a Call Out Card which has full instructions on how to notify the NOGO No Tow area operator, who will dispatch a patrol vehicle to the site. The patrol vehicle driver will properly ticket and courtesy clamp the vehicle and will return to un-clamp the vehicle following receipt of payment through our central office 24hr toll free dispatch number provided on the ticket. There are extra charges for certain areas and for un-clamping after certain times.
Sign Deterrent & Call-Out & Random Security Patrol
Apple Security will offer the same “Sign Deterrent” and “Call Out” systems as above, but we will also include a certain number of daily random patrols of your facilities by our fully trained and bonded security guards. The provincially licensed and bonded security arm of our company will handle all normal protocol security surveillance of your property to your agreed upon specifications. The minimum daily charge for this service starts at $5 per day per site. For the full services that we offer, it is great value compared to what other security companies charge based on what services they provide.